time to pretend est un forum city simple où le jeu se base principalement sur les Hamptons. Le but du forum n'est autre que de se faire plaisir, faire de nouvelles rencontres, de se poser un peu sans pression ni prise de tête et de rp tranquillement. Peu importe le personnage ou l'avatar choisi, vous serez le·a bienvenu·e parmi nous. Ce forum, on veut le construire et le développer avec vous. Ici, vous êtes à la maison.
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en savoir plus sur Jordan Lin

messages :
rps :
pseudo :
pronom irl :
she, her, hers (elle)
id card :
g. chan, © av. bambi eyes, gif. hecate (profil), crack. foolish blondie, sign. self, lyrics. kane brown blackbear & feather (memory)
multicomptes :
cameron (o. jackson-cohen)
age :
getting closer each year to the fourth decade, still got two years to go, though. the scary thirty eight, the one that makes her think that she should probably start thinking about her retirement and what she wants to do. time keeps going fast after all.
statut civil :
glued into a fake relationship to help out an old friend she can't really stand anymore. can't even remember why she said yes in the first place just knows she still has a few months to keep the illusion going before they can end it for good.
orientation :
she doesn't care much about sexual relationships, jordan. physical intimacy is far from what she craves but she doesn't know how to say it to people, too afraid they might not understand her feelings so she says nothing. (asexual biromantic)
occupation :
operations technicians which is the technical term that nobody really understand. basically, she's the one who defines any spacial mission so that astronots can go visit space.
pronom ig :
she, her, hers, elle
code couleur :
nbre de mots :
caméléon (entre 500 et 1500 en moyenne)
fréquence rp :
week-ends only
disponibilités :
[ o p e n ]
headan #1 -- moe -- place
trigger :
inceste, viol, violences familiales (physiques et psychologiques)
warning :
environnement familial toxique (pression mentale), deuil (mention), harcèlement scolaire, racisme (mention asian-hate)
en vrac : présentation : fiche de liens : inscription :
Sam 5 Mar - 19:40 | Hors ligne
Jordan Lin